Coach Image - KAT DIETZEL

Have courage to step out of your element. It begins with you and what you tell yourself. You are much stronger than you think.

I LOVE people! I love weightlifting. There's something about touching the iron bar moving heavyweight that makes me happy. It truly makes my soul happy when I see people find their inner strength to step out of their comfort zones. It's an amazing memory to have and see watching people shock themselves when they do something they thought they couldn't do.

Get to know Kat Dietzel even better, below are some interesting facts…

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Have courage to step out of your element. It begins with you and what you tell yourself. You are much stronger than you think.

I LOVE people! I love weightlifting. There’s something about touching the iron bar moving heavyweight that makes me happy. It truly makes my soul happy when I see people find their inner strength to step out of their comfort zones. It’s an amazing memory to have and see watching people shock themselves when they do something they thought they couldn’t do.

What is your favorite indulgence?

Sweets. Biggest sweet tooth ever

What is your guilty pleasure?

Creme Brûlée and Taco

Which animal embodies your inner Beast? Why?

Lion. Its Beastliness, ferociousness

Who is your GO-To artist for inspiration?

Mattie Cakes- Power Lifter Brooke Wells- Cross fitter

If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

Invisibility- So i can pop in and startle you when you

What do YOU LOVE MOST about yourself?

My resilience and adaptable mindset

Who is your Celebrity Crush?


What do you love most about working at P2P?

The Community and all the LOVE, UNITY it brings. #P2PSTRONG

What song reminds you of your childhood?

Back that thang up

What candy reminds you of your childhood?

pop rocks

If you could replace one actor/actress in a movie with yourself what character and movie would that be?

J-Lo in the movie Enough

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