We Care About Yu

Your health and safety is our number ONE priority. We completely understand the importance of CONNECTION and COMMUNITY, after all this is one of our core values, so keeping our community #P2PStrong is our ultimate goal here are measures set to ensure the time spent at P2P is not only the best part of your day but also the safest part of your day.

P2P Outdoors Sessions
Referencing covid19.ca.gov the reopening roadmap allows P2P Outdoors to operate outside and bring our sweat sessions to you in the parking lots of our facilities. This allows our members, team and visitors to remain social and physically distance and provides adequate natural air and ventilation.

Oversight and Guidance
This historic pandemic has brought most of us uncertainties and it is hard to keep up with what is right and what is wrong, hat is suggested and what is recommended. Rest assure we proudly support and look for oversight by both the California Department of Public Health and local government officials Your health and safety matters and it is taken extremely serious at P2P.

Oversight and Guidance
This historic pandemic has brought most of us uncertainties and it is hard to keep up with what is right and what is wrong, hat is suggested and what is recommended. Rest assure we proudly support and look for oversight by both the California Department of Public Health and local government officials Your health and safety matters and it is taken extremely serious at P2P.

Disinfection Technology
We combinate technology and decontamination to clean our equipment and all contact areas. Pretexus by EvaClean is the fog machines that attacks microbes and decontaminate our facilities to keep you safe. Purtabs 3.3g are a powerful and versatile disinfecting and sanitizing solution which drops into the Pretexus sprayer tank to create a hospital grade disinfectant. This solution kills C. diff in less than 4 minutes and 99.9999% of all bacteria.

Sanitation Stations
Hand hygiene is important that is why we have sanitizing solution available at all P2P Outdoor sessions. In addition, our session times have been shortened to allow time for sanitation of equipment. Disinfecting sanitation wipes are generously available in an abundance to clean equipment before and after each use.

Sanitation Stations
Hand hygiene is important that is why we have sanitizing solution available at all P2P Outdoor sessions. In addition, our session times have been shortened to allow time for sanitation of equipment. Disinfecting sanitation wipes are generously available in an abundance to clean equipment before and after each use.

Mask & Face Coverings
Mask are required in all common area, this includes while check-in at the start of your session, in all common area and when passing another member and when you are unable to be 6-feet apart. This is non-negotiable because your health and safety and the health and safety of those around you is very serious.

Hydration Station
We understand that the heat in the parking lots can feel much warmer especially while working out. Hydration is key! We as that you bring plenty of water with you however if you forgot a water or simply need more. We got you covered! All clubs have complimentary bottled water available.

Hydration Station
We understand that the heat in the parking lots can feel much warmer especially while working out. Hydration is key! We as that you bring plenty of water with you however if you forgot a water or simply need more. We got you covered! All clubs have complimentary bottled water available. .

What To Bring
We ask that you bring a clean mask, a clean workout mat or freshly washed large towel and water with you to every session. We will provide the rest!

Capacity Limits
To allow for all members to be socially and physically distant throughout the full duration of your workout, we have reduced the capacity limits at all clubs substantially. Just another way we show you, YOU are important, and we genuinely care about YOU!

Capacity Limits
To allow for all members to be socially and physically distant throughout the full duration of your workout, we have reduced the capacity limits at all clubs substantially. Just another way we show you, YOU are important, and we genuinely care about YOU!

P2P Live
Not 100% sure P2P Outdoors is for you? We are offering a FREE 1-week pass to anyone new and returning members to test drive it. If for any reason you are not comfortable and prefer workouts in your own home, we got you covered. P2P Live is available which includes both Live interactive sessions daily but also a library of prerecorded session to use on-demand.

If you have any questions we are here and happy to assist!
Phone: 855-479-3287